A Life-Changing Diagnosis: How Healthcare Pathfinder helped a client and his family manage and maximize their health insurance benefits

Jim, 60 years old, was diagnosed with a life debilitating illness. He and his family were devastated. He was still working and had excellent health insurance coverage. He and his family became clients when they started getting overwhelmed with medical bills and did not understand their insurance coverage. They were seeking medical services all over the United States and many of the providers did not accept insurance.

Healthcare Pathfinder (HCP) was able to help them manage their medical bills and insurance claims and worked with them to maximize access to their health insurance benefits.  Finding in-network providers and ensuring their prescriptions would be covered by their insurance decreased their out-of-pocket costs significantly.  

When Jim could no longer work, he did not tell HR why he was retiring. If it weren’t for HCP insisting on speaking to HR about insurance benefits, he would have lost hundreds of thousands of dollars in disability benefits. We worked with Jim, HR, and with the disability administrator to help make sure he enrolled in Medicare disability and his family received their 36 months of COBRA coverage.

Since Jim’s death, we helped the family with insurance transitions after their COBRA ended and continue to provide insurance management services.

*We have changed our clients’ names in our stories.*


Feel free to contact us at 888-511-0128, ext. 104 or email [email protected] if you need help or if you need more information on how Healthcare Pathfinder can help you and your family. We are a fee-for-service professional healthcare advice, advocacy, and management firm. We do not sell insurance or share commissions.

Visit us at:  www.healthcarepathfinder.com 

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